There is no denying the fact that greeting cards are an essential item when it comes to holidays, anniversaries, birthday, and thanksgiving, among other related occasions. Using greeting cards allow you to show your love and care for someone, which in turn can have an immensely positive impact on them. Many people love to receive or give a greeting card to their loved ones during various special events. There are several types of greeting cards that you can choose based on the occasion and your preference. Nevertheless, what it will be like to present your loved ones with cards that have some extra features? If you are looking for such an item, then you should consider getting a flying butterfly prank card.
The flying butterfly prank card can amaze your loved ones as it comes with a feature that allows flying up to twenty feet as soon as released. You can write the message based on the occasion and slip it into a greeting card. The moment your intended victim opens the greeting card, the butterfly will fly and spin into the air, which is a great way to surprise them. It might sound quite an ordinary item, but there is no doubt that it is one of the ultimate gifts for various occasions.
The dimensions will differ from a flying butterfly card to another. However, it appears like the average-sized card that you can find at a stationery shop or other related stores. The materials used for making this item include paper, wire, and rubber band; as such, the flying paper butterfly is easy to handle for anyone. Further, the flying paper butterfly is reusable, thereby allowing you to maintain cost efficiency.